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Train Employees Automatically With Digital Adoption Platforms

Train Employees Automatically With Digital Adoption Platforms

Helping employees achieve their maximum potential isn’t easy. That’s something all Learning & Development leaders can agree on, right? 

Yet, there might be a trick you are missing. 

Take, for example, the gruelling and repetitive administration that nobody enjoys, wastes time, and demotivates us.

These exact tasks are starting to be automated – a lesson you should learn from. Now, it’s only a matter of time before your competitors have cut wastage in their organization using software.

Do you want to be left behind?

The Benefits of Automating Employee Training on New Software

As a whole, automation has been rising in popularity over the last few years. Recently, the global market hit a value of $191.89 billion. For good reason.

The impact it has on your workforce is unparalleled. It allows:

  1. Employees to increase their output.
  2. Teams to be more effective.
  3. Businesses to boost their ROI.

So, why not make the most of it by automating your process to train employees on new software?

Training employees on new software shouldn't involve hours of lost output.

How to Train Employees on New Software Using Digital Adoption Platforms

How many software platforms do you use on a daily basis? 

How many features are on each of those systems? Hundreds? Thousands?

When it comes to training an employee on a new piece of software, the amount of information they have to learn all in one go is bound to be intimidating.

Even if you dedicate a whole day to their training, providing an expert mentor, it doesn’t guarantee that they remember what you’ve taught them… especially if they were bored.

As with any part of someone’s overall learning and development journey, you need to make software training exciting and engaging. How?

  1. Adhere to the different styles of learning.
  2. Give employees time to try out systems for themselves.
  3. Provide educational material in manageable amounts.

That’s where Digital Adoption Platforms come in. 

Instead of expecting an employee to listen carefully to a colleague cover every aspect of a system, DAPs “overlay” your software to provide real-time guidance, tips, and walk-throughs – exactly when your staff member actually needs the support.

That means your employee can feel engaged with their onboarding process, have the space they need to process the information provided, and start to learn through real-life experiences. 

What’s more? Rather than being pulled away from their desk for training, an employee can develop their software skills on the job – meaning they don’t fall behind with their workload, and continue to contribute towards your organization’s output.

An L&D Leader’s Step-by-Step Guide to Training Employees Efficiently on New Software

When you have Digital Adoption Platforms in place, your goal to train employees on software and help them be fully proficient in their role becomes significantly less time-consuming. 

Doesn’t that sound like a dream?

As a result, you can focus your attention on achieving your larger development strategies and building a culture of continuous improvement. How? 

By using these employee training best practices.

Step 1. Allocate Time and Attention to Employee Training 

Just because you are automating the actual process of training employees on software doesn’t mean their learning journey will produce instant results. Be sure to consider the time it will take them to become completely proficient in a system, and be available to answer queries should they need you. This way, you can add personalization to their experience and continue to engage them in their professional development.

Step 2. Define Clear Employee Training Goals

Every perfect strategy is backed-up with clear targets, and employee training goals are no exception. Digital Adoption Platforms are the perfect tool for insightfully analyzing your employee’s progress through expansive metrics, allowing you to provide more support and resources when and where they are needed.

Step 3. Provide Employee Feedback

From your distant perspective, armed with an analytics dashboard, you’ll start to find you can very clearly identify gaps in your organization’s development – more so than ever before. When issues arise, you would be well-advised to intervene and provide helpful feedback to your staff member to assist them in picking up a new skill. Let them know where they are (and where you’d like them to be), then offer to facilitate any requests that could aid their advancement.

Step 4. Encourage and Anticipate Failure

Even if your chosen Digital Adoption Platform caters to the majority of employee learning needs, there are some external factors that automatic training can’t adjust to. This is where your attention-to-detail becomes particularly important. If an employee is making slow progress in their training to learn new software, be mindful that there could be personal circumstances causing this.

Step 5. Celebrate Every Success

On the other hand, when employees are conquering their learning goals and making good progress, encourage them through rewards and recognition. Taking in lots of information can be mentally exhausting – if necessary – and simply appreciating someone’s hard work can go a long way in creating strong bonds within your company. Before you know it, you’ll have a fully proficient and productive team and an incredible software adoption rate.

FAQs on How to Train Employees to Use Software Systems with DAPs 

There’s no doubt that the productive use of software is becoming more and more critical to an employee’s average working day. 

If you want to equip your team to effectively do their job, you need to onboard the best way to train employees to use new software… Digital Adoption Platforms.

Still have more questions? Check out these helpful FAQs to point you in the right direction.

What are the benefits of automation?

You can save time and money. When you automate tasks that would usually take hours, you decrease wastage and free up your employee’s schedules to complete impactful work that boosts your organization’s success.

How can automated training help employees?

Rather than having to rely on a colleague or mentor’s availability to teach them how to do their job properly, an automated system guarantees instant quality training. Using Digital Adoption Platforms to onboard employees onto software systems can be incredibly effective.

Should I automate employee onboarding and training?

Absolutely! Although it is important to have a channel for personal interaction with your employees, automating the training process can allow you to stop repeating the same courses over and over, and focus instead on helping individuals succeed. 

Use Digital Adoption Platforms to train employees on new software.

How Companies Train Employees on Software with Userlane’s Digital Adoption Platforms

The ongoing development of your organization is a full-time role. When you:

  1. Onboard a new software system.
  2. Hire a new employee.
  3. Update your platforms and add features.

Training is required to improve performance – consuming hours that could have been spent elsewhere. 

Your team gets pulled away from their desk to attend a tutorial, or an employee has to abandon their progress on a task to answer queries from their colleague.

Why not, instead, automate your process and use Userlane’s world-leading Digital Adoption Platform to manage organizational change and train employees on software?

Request a demonstration today.

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About the author:
The Userlane team brings you digital adoption insights, product updates, and plenty of onboarding and engagement advice for user-centric businesses.